Annual Missions Events
Angel Tree
The congregation annually participates in purchasing gifts for 30+ individuals/families that are distributed through Rome Rescue Mission,
Salvation Army and Catholic Charities.

Soup-er Bowl of Caring
On Superbowl Sunday, bring in your loose change and place it in the soup kettle sporting the name of the team you're cheering for! All collected funds are then combined for this annual collection in conjunction with the national program: https://tacklehunger.org/

Sew Blest
Weekly ministry group meeting to create items for congregation and
community groups- including newborns, extended care facilities, domestic abuse
home, home bound individuals, cardiac and oncology units/individuals, schools in

Hat and Mitten Tree
Bring in hats, mittens, scarves, and packages of socks and undies to decorate and fill the Christmas tree. A collection of 200-300 items- hats, mittens, gloves, scarves and socks are donated to clothing closets, outreach
programs and local schools for distribution.

Hunger Walk
Members of the congregation join together with congregations from other local churches for annual participation in this walk which is coordinated by the Rome 1st Presbyterian Church. Support is raised for 7 Rome area food bank/meal programs, 10% is donated to Church World Service for nation and international
hunger projects.

Other Locally and Nationally Supported Missions
- Blessings in a Backpack
- Camp Aldersgate
- Connected Community Schools
- Neighborhood Center of Rome
- Rome Rescue Mission
- Samaritan Counseling
- Red Bird Mission
- Cookson Hills Center